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About Mandarin Immersion in RWC


Back in 2013, a group of parents interested in bringing Mandarin Immersion learning opportunities to Redwood City came together to garner support from the community to start a program in the public school district. Through grassroots organizing and in close collaboration with Redwood City School District (RCSD) administration, the group’s proposal to establish a K-8 Mandarin Immersion Program was approved by the RCSD School Board. The inaugural Kindergarten and first grade classes started in the fall of 2015.


Today, the Orion Alternative School campus houses the TK through 5th grade Mandarin Immersion program and Kennedy Middle School is home to the 6th through 8th Mandarin Immersion grades. You can find more information about the curriculum for TK-8th grade here

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Ms. Winnie Wong is the principal for both the MI and Parent Cooperative Programs TK-5th grade at the Orion Alternative School campus. She has served in various leadership positions across the school, and has been deeply involved in the success of the MI program through her experience as a Mandarin immersion teacher, curriculum development specialist and teaching coach. Read her welcome letter to the community to learn more. 


1. Creating a nurturing learning environment.

2. Supporting mutually respectful relationships.

3. Having families actively participate in the school.

4. Developing our children's self-esteem.


Mrs. Chandra Leonardo is the principal for the 6th-8th grade program at Kennedy Middle School. She has been deeply connected with the Kennedy community as a teacher and most recently as assistant vice principal since 2013. Read her welcome letter to the community to learn more.


The school is centrally located in Redwood City, about 10 minutes driving distance from 101, 15 minutes driving distance from 280, and a 20 minute walk to the Caltrain station and downtown. The school is surrounded by mostly single home neighborhoods with Red Morton Park and Community Center within close walking distance.


The historic campus is situated on Eagle Hill, with one side bordering Jefferson St. and the other sides surrounded by homes in the neighborhood. Several huge beautiful redwood trees shade the campus with plenty of outdoor space, sports fields, and playgrounds for students to explore. As part of the Measure T bond passed by voters in 2015, the campus underwent repairs, renovations and modernization with a new two-story classroom building on the side adjacent to Ave del Ora.

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